Harness the Power of Your Dreams and Build Your Best Life
We all dream, even when we don’t remember.
Maybe you’ve had a recurring dream, or one that you know you will never forget.
In this Free and open discussion, we will explore dreams as windows into worlds beyond the ordinary.
Join us in discovering how dreams can bring profound insights that help you grow in confidence, make decisions about your career and finances, and guidance into the smallest details of daily life.
Where: Theatrette, Brisbane City Square Library, 266 George St., Brisbane
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/harness-the-power-of-your-dreams-and-build-your-best-life-tickets-947026360337?aff=oddtdtcreator )
You are Soul, here in this spiritual school of life, learning lifetime after lifetime through your choices and experiences. Soul is awake and active in Its inner worlds while the body sleeps.
We will share simple tips and tools for you to gain your own insights and fast track your unfoldment 24/7!