Your generous donations help the MAHANTA carry the flame of ECK for a bright spiritual future. Thank you for your gifts of love-both in service and coin.
To make an online donation use these details:
Eckankar Society of Northern Australia
BSB: 484799
Account number: 167500467
Please enter the reason for the donation e.g., general donation, Satsang, HU chant etc.
Bequests to ECKANKAR in Your Will
You can help bring the teachings of the Light and Sound to future generations with a bequest. There is a great flexibility in giving to ECKANKAR through your will or trust. You can give:
- a specific amount;
- a percentage of your estate; or
- all or part of what remains after your loved ones have been provided for (a bequest of the "residue" of your estate).
The best method to leave your estate to your family members in your will, should be determined by your personal situation and wishes. Discuss the contents of your will or trust with your beneficiaries. Family members of most ECKists understand how valuable ECKANKAR is to their loved ones and will give heartfelt support to carrying out your wishes.
You may wish to donate to
- ECKANKAR Society of Northern Australia ABN 058 053 740. (i.e. ECKANKAR in Queensland and the Northern Territory)
- ECKANKAR Australia, ABN 24054115589 (the parent body for ECKANKAR in Australia)
- ECKANKAR Spiritual Center in Chanhassen (PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN, 55317-2000 USA)
(There is no G.S.T. payable on a general donation from a bequest. Corporations are identified primarily by the Australian company number.)
Here is one example when making a donation to ECKANKAR through your will:
I, (name ………..…), freely and willingly without obligations give the sum of $........ to the Eckankar Society of Northern Australia (ABN 058 053 740) , and its successors-in-interest, for its general charitable or religious purposes and I declare the receipt of its Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full discharge to my Executors as to its application.
Your solicitor can help you with the wording that is appropriate and make sure that issues
such as income and estate taxes are considered.
Please note:
If you wish to give ECKANKAR a gift of real property or tangible property (whether by will or otherwise), please contact Planned Giving at ECKANKAR in Chanhassen before making the gift.
Have you considered setting up a monthly donation to help spread the love of ECK?
It's easy to do and would be greatly appreciated if you're able to.
Other Gifts of Love
To discuss opportunities of donating your time or talent please contact the Managing Director, Lee-Anne Faraguna: Mob. 0424 474 464 or